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Kanzul Arasy Prayer MP3 And Text Complete - Android Games - This time we will provide informationabout theprayerkanzulthroneandalsodownloadmp3whichwill be veryusefulforyouallalone

Kanzul Arasy Prayer MP3 And Text Complete
DOWNLOAD FILE HEREPrayer Kanzul Arasy سم الله الرحمن الرحيمBismillaahir Rahmanir RaheemIn the name of Allah the Most Merciful pemuranلااله الا الله سبحن الملك القدوسLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana malikil qudduusThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Glory be to the king who mahaqudus.لااله الا الله سبحن العزيز الجبارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana `aziizil jabbaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, holy mighty mighty mighty god almighty anymoreلااله الا الله سبحن الرء وف الرحيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana rauufir raheemThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty god almighty ssuci benevolent the most mercifulلااله الا الله سبحن الغفور الرحيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana ghafuurir raheemThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God is All-forgiving, Most Mercifulلااله الا الله سبحن الكريم الحكيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana kariimil hakiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty God sublime sacred longer-wiseلااله الا الله سبحن القوي الوفيLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana qawiyyil wafiyThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God stronger maha meetلااله الا الله سبحن اللطيف الخبيرLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana lathiifil khabiirThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God mahahalus Knowerلااله الا الله سبحن الصمد المعبودLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana shamadil ma`buudThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who depend on them everything else that is worshipedلااله الا الله سبحن الغفور الودودLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana ghafuuril waduudThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God in his mercy again maha lovers.لااله الا الله سبحن الوكيل الكفيلLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana wakiilil kafiiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty protector helper againلااله الا الله سبحن الرقيب الحفيظLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana raqiibil HafizThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty maintain oversee againلااله الا الله سبحن الدائم القائمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana daa-IMIL QAA-imiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty God's eternal holy longer take care of his creaturesلااله الا الله سبحن المحي المميتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana muhyil mumiitThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God revive deadly.لااله الا الله سبحن الحي القيومLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana hayyil qayyuumThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God eternal life longer continuous care of his creaturesلااله الا الله سبحن الخالق البارئLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana khaaliqil baari-IThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy almighty God who created again makeلااله الا الله سبحن العلي العظيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana aliyyil azhiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God exalted again the enormousلااله الا الله سبحن الواحد الاحدLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana waahidil AhadiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God another oneلااله الا الله سبحن المئو من المهيمنLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana mu-minil muhaiminiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy almighty God give security again maha maintainلااله الا الله سبحن الحبيب الشهيدLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana khabiibisy shaheedThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God loves again maha memyaksikanلااله الا الله سبحن الحليم الكريمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana haliimil KariimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God again is most precious trusteesلااله الا الله سبحن الاول القديمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana awwalil qadiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the Lord of the first holy maha maha previous againلااله الا الله سبحن الاول الاخرLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana trips can awwalilThe first again lastلااله الا الله سبحن الظاهر الباطنLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana zhaahiril baathiniThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of God born again inner (real longer hidden)لااله الا الله سبحن الكبير المتعالLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana kabiiril muta`aaliThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God again supremeلااله الا الله سبحن القاضى الحاجاتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal qaadhil haajaatThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who meets all the needsلااله الا الله سبحن رب العرش العظيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana rabbil arsyil `` azhiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Lord of the holy of holies great arsyiلااله الا الله سبحن الرحمن الرحيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanar rahmaanir raheemThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God Gracious, Most Mercifulلااله الا الله سبحن ربي الاعلىLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana rabbiyal a`laaThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of my Lord Most Highلااله الا الله سبحن البرهان السلطانLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal burhaanis sulthaanThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who has more proof of powerلااله الا الله سبحن السميع البصيرLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanas samii`il bashiirThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God hear again mahamelihatلااله الا الله سبحن الواحد القهارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal waahidil qahhaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the all-holy God almighty beat laiلااله الا الله سبحن العليم الحكيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `aliimil hakiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God Knower wiseلااله الا الله سبحن الستار الغفارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanas sattaaril ghaffaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God merciful lai whitewashingلااله الا الله سبحن الرحمن الديانLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanar rahmaanid dayaaniThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God merciful again maha replyلااله الا الله سبحن الكبير الاكبرLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal kabiiril akbarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy God almighty supreme again the enormousلااله الا الله سبحن العليم العلامLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal aliimil `` allaamThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God Knower checkلااله الا الله سبحن الشافى الكافيLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanasy syaafil kaafiiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who heals all-sufficient againلااله الا الله سبحن العظيم الباقيLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `azhiimil baaqiiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God again eternalلااله الا الله سبحن الصمد الاحدLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanash shamadil AhadiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who depend on them everything again esaلااله الا الله سبحن رب الارض والسموتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana rabbil ardhi was samaawaatThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Lord of the all-holy earth dn skyلااله الا الله سبحن خالق المخلوقاتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana khaaliqil makhluuqaatThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy God almighty prncipta all beingsلااله الا الله سبحن من خلق اليل والنهارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana khalaqal Laila man wan nahaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy almighty God who created night and dayلااله الا الله سبحن الخالق الرزاقLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal khaaliqir RazzaaqThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, who created the all-holy God again gave rizkiلااله الا الله سبحن الفتاح العليمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal fattaahil `aliimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God gave a decision again omniscientلااله الا الله سبحن العزيز الغنيLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `aziizil ghaniyyiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God Almighty, the richلااله الا الله سبحن الغفور الشكورLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal ghafuurisy syakuurThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God in his mercy again maha gratefulلااله الا الله سبحن العظيم العليمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal azhiimil `` aliimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God again omniscientلااله الا الله سبحن ذى الملك والملكوتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana dhi Mulki wal malakuutThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty God who has a royal sacred earth and skyلااله الا الله سبحن ذى العزة والعظمةLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana dhi `Izzati wal`azhamahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty God who has the sacred majesty and greatnessلااله الا الله سبحن ذي الهيبة والقدرةLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana dhi haibati wal QudrahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who has influence and powerلااله الا الله سبحن الكبرياء والجبروتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana kibriyaa dhi-i wal jabaruutThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who has the power and greatnessلااله الا الله سبحن الستار العظيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanas sattaaril `azhiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty lai whitewashingلااله الا الله سبحن العالم الغيبLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `aalimil ghaibiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who knows the unseenلااله الا الله سبحن الحميد المجيدLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal khamiidil majiidThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty the precious commendable againلااله الا الله سبحن الحكيم القديمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal khakiimil qadiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God Wise Historyلااله الا الله سبحن القادر الستارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal qaadiris sattaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God Almighty again maha coverلااله الا الله سبحن السميع العليمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanas samii`il `aliimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who hears and knowsلااله الا الله سبحن الغني العظيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal ghaniyyil `azhiimiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty rich againلااله الا الله سبحن العلام السلامLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `allaamis salaamThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty knows prosperous laiلااله الا الله سبحن الملك النصيرLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal malikin nashiirThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who became king again maha helperلااله الا الله سبحن الغني الرحيمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal ghaniyyir RahmanThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God merciful rich againلااله الا الله سبحن القريب الحسناتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal qariibil hasanaatThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God near his kindness kindnessلااله الا الله سبحن الولي الحسناتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal waliyyil hasanaatThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty God's holy goodness goodness menguaaiلااله الا الله سبحن الصبور الستارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanash shabuuris sattaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty patient again whitewashلااله الا الله سبحن الخالق النورLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal khaaliqin nuurThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy almighty God who created nurلااله الا الله سبحن الغني المعجزLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal ghaniyyil mu`jizThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty rich again beatلااله الا الله سبحن الفاضل الشكورLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal fadhilisy syakuurThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty the precious again gratefulلااله الا الله سبحن الغني القديمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal ghaniyyil qadiimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty previous richerلااله الا الله سبحن ذى الجلال المبينLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana dhi jalaalil mubiinThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who has infinite majesty again explainedلااله الا الله سبحن الخالص المخلصLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal khaalishil mukhlishThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty God pure holy lai purifyلااله الا الله سبحن الصادق الوعدLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanash shaadiqil wa`diThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God its true promiseلااله الا الله سبحن الحق المبينLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal khaqqil mubiinThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God that explains the rights againلااله الا الله سبحن ذى القوة المتينLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana dhi quwwatil matiinThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who has power again sturdy mahaلااله الا الله سبحن القوي العزيزLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal qawiyyul `aziizThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God stronger all-mightyلااله الا الله سبحن الحي الذي لا يموتLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal khayyil ladzii laa yamuutThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of the living God is not dead anymoreلااله الا الله سبحن العلام الغيوبLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `allaamil ghuyuubThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God knows all the unseenلااله الا الله سبحن الستار العيبLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanas sattaaril `uyuubThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God covers all defects (disgrace)لااله الا الله سبحن ذى الغفران المستعانLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana dhi ghufraanil musta`aanThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy almighty God have mercy again asked for helpلااله الا الله سبحن رب العالمينLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana rabbil `aalamiinThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the Lord of hosts the holy of holiesلااله الا الله سبحن الرحمن الستارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanar rahmaanis sattaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God merciful again maha coverلااله الا الله سبحن الرحيم الغفارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanar rahiimil ghaffaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies loving God merciful laiلااله الا الله سبحن العزيز الوهابLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `aziizil WahhabThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God Almighty, the giver of the giftلااله الا الله سبحن القادر المقتدرLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal qaadiril MuqtadirThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God Almighty again give powerلااله الا الله سبحن ذى الغفران الحليمLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanadzil ghufraanil haliimThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy almighty God have mercy again maha trusteesلااله الا الله سبحن الملك الملكLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal malikil MulkiThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who has all the kingdomsلااله الا الله سبحن البارئ المصورLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal baari-il mushawwirThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, who created the all-holy God again gave shapeلااله الا الله سبحن العزيز الجبارLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal `aziizil jabbaarThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of almighty God almighty mighty againلااله الا الله سبحن الجبار المتكبرLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal jabbaari MutakabbirThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies of God the almighty supreme againلااله الا الله سبحن الله عما يصفونLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanallaahi `amma yashifuunThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Glorified be Allah from what was described by them (the unbelievers)لااله الا الله سبحن القدوس السبوحLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal qudduusis subuuhThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God and the nature of its role in Essenceلااله الا الله سبحن رب املئكة والروحLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana rabbil malaa-ikati warruuhThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, almighty God's holy angels and spiritsلااله الا الله سبحن ذى الا لاء والنعماءLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana aalaa dhi-I wan na`maaThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God who has signs of greatness and favorsلااله الا الله سبحن الملك المقصودLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal malikil maqshuudThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, the holy of holies king is the goalلااله الا الله سبحن الحنان المنانLa ilaha illallaahu subhaanal hannaanil mannaanThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, all-holy God almighty benevolent giver of grace againلااله الا الله سبحن ادم صفي اللهLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana Aadamu shafiyyullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, adam god optionلااله الا الله سبحن نوح نجي اللهLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana Nuuhu najiyyullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, full of people who were saved by the godsلااله الا الله سبحن ابراهيم خليل اللهLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana Ibraahiimu khaliilullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Ibrahim lover godsلااله الا الله سبحن اسمعيل ذبيح اللهLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana Ismaa`iilu dzabiihullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Ismail slaughtered godsلااله الا الله سبحن موسى كليم اللهLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana Muusaa kalimullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, musa people are invited to speak by the godsلااله الا الله سبحن داود خليفة اللهLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana Daawuudu khaaliifatullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, daud caliph appointed by Allahلااله الا الله سبحن عيسى روح اللهLa ilaha illallaahu subhaana `Iisaa ruuhullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, 'isa is the soul of creation godsلااله الا الله محمد رسو ل اللهLaailaha illallaah, Muhammadur rasuulullaahThere is no god worthy of worship but Allah, Muhammad messenger of the godsاللهم ارحمنا ببركة توراة موسى وانجيل عيسى وزبورداود وفرقان محمد رسو ل الله صلى الله عليه وسلم برحمتك ياارحم الراحمينAllahummar hamnaa bibarakati Tauraati Muusaa wainjiili `iisaa wazabuuri daawuuda wafurqaani muhammadir rasuulillaahi sallallaahu` alayhi wasallama birahmatika yaa arhanar raahimiiinO Allah, bless our thanks to the law of Moses, gospel isa, the Psalms daud and al quran muhammad SAW messenger god, with your grace that mah O merciful amonglovingوالحمد لله رب العالمينWal hamdu lillaahi rabbil `aalamiinAnd praise be to Allah Lord of the Worlds

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem
La ilaha illallahu subhaana malikil qudduus
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'aziizil jabbaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanar rauufir raheem
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal ghafuurir raheem
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal kariimil hakiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal qawiyyil wafiy
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal lathiifil khabiir
La ilaha illallahu subhaanash shamadil ma'buud
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal ghafuuril waduud
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal wakiilil kafiil
La ilaha illallahu subhaanar raqiibil Hafiizh
La ilaha illallahu subhaanad daa-IMIL QAA-imi
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal muhyil mumiit
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal hayyil qayyuum
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal khaaliqil baari-i
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'aliyyil' azhiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal waahidil Ahadi
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal mu-minil muhaimini
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal habiibisy shaheed
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal haliimil Kariim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal awwalil qadiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal trips can awwalil
La ilaha illallahu subhaanazh zhaahiril baathini
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal kabiiril muta'aal
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal qaadhil haajaat
La ilaha illallahu subhaana rabbil 'arsyil' azhiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanar rahmaanir raheem
La ilaha illallahu subhaana rabbiyal a'laa
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal burhaaniis sulthaan
La ilaha illallahu subhaanas samii'il bashiir
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal waahidil qahhaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'aliimil hakiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanas sattaaril ghaffaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanar rahmaanid dayyaan
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal kabiiril akbar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'aliimil' allaam
La ilaha illallahu subhaanasy syaafil kaafii
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'azhiimil baaqii
La ilaha illallahu subhaanash shamadil Ahadi
La ilaha illallahu subhaana rabbil ardhi was samawaat
La ilaha illallahu subhaana khaaliqil makhluuqaat
La ilaha illallahu subhaana khalaqal Laila man wan nahaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal khaaliqir Razzaaq
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal fattaahil 'aliim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'aziizil ghaniyyi
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal ghafuurisy syakuur
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'azhiimil' aliim
La ilaha illallahu subhaana dhi Mulki wal malakut
La ilaha illallahu subhaana dhi 'Izzati wal' azhamah
La ilaha illallahu subhaana dhi haibati wal Qudrah
La ilaha illallahu subhaana kibriyaa dhi-i wal jabaruut
La ilaha illallahu subhaanas sattaaril 'azhiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'aalimil supernatural
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal hamiidil majiid
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal hakiimil qadiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal qaadiris sattar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanas samii'i aliim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal ghaniyyil 'azhiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'allaamis salaam
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal malikin nashiir
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal ghaniyyir Rahman
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal qariibil hasanaat
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal waliyyil hasanaat
La ilaha illallahu subhaanash shabuuris sattaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal khaaliqin nuur
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal ghaniyyil mu'jiz
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal faadhilisy syakuur
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal ghaniyyil qadiim
La ilaha illallahu subhaana dhi jalaalil Mubin
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal khaalishil mukhlish
La ilaha illallahu subhaanash shaadiqil wa'di
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal haqqil mubiin
La ilaha illallahu subhaana dhi quwwatil matiin
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal qawiyyil 'aziiz
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal hayyil ladzii laa yamuut
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'allamil ghuyuub
La ilaha illallahu subhaanas sattaaril 'uyuub
La ilaha illallahu subhaana dhi ghufraanil musta'aan
La ilaha illallahu subhaana rabbil 'alamiin
La ilaha illallahu subhaanar rahmaanis sattaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanar rahiimil ghaffaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal 'aziizil Wahhab
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal qaadiril Muqtadir
La ilaha illallahu subhaana dhi ghufraanil haliim
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal malikil Mulki
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal baari-il jabbaar
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal jabbaaril Mutakabbir
La ilaha illallahu subhaanallaahi 'ammaa yashifuun
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal qudduusis subbuuh
La ilaha illallahu subhaana rabbil malaa-ikati warruuh
La ilaha illallahu subhaana aalaa dhi-i wan na'maa
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal malikil maqshuud
La ilaha illallahu subhaanal hannaanil mannaan
La ilaha illallahu Aadamu shafiyyullah
La ilaha illallahu Nuuhu najiyyullah
La ilaha illallahu Ibraahiimu Khalilullah
La ilaha illallahu Ismaa'iilu dzabiihullah
La ilaha illallahu Muusaa kaliimullah
La ilaha illallahu Daawuudu khaliifatullah
La ilaha illallahu 'Iisaa ruuhullah
La ilaha illallahu Muhammadur Rasoolullah
Allahummar hamnaa bibarakati tauraati muusaa, wa injiili 'iisaa wazabuuri daawuuda wafurqaani muhammadir rasuulillahi alaihi wasallama birahmatika yaa arhamar raahimiin
Wal hamdu lillahi rabbil 'aalamiin.
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